News and events 2021 #2

Welcome to Lund University Humanities Lab!

Due to techinical problems, this is the second version of the Humanities Lab newsletter on April 30, 2021, addressed to all new and existing users of the Lab. Scroll down to the bottom and click on web version to read the newletter in your browse

Content of the newsletter

  • Information about the new system for bookings of all facilities
  • The lab during the Covid19 pandemic
  • Personal data management
  • Server maintenace
  • Project management

Booking of lab facilities

From May 1, 2021, all bookings of studios and/or equipment are done in Time Edit. All users in the lab, affiliated with Lund University (LU), have access to book lab facilities for project activities. If you are a student or employee at LU but are not able to make a booking, please ask your PI to notify lab administration so you can get access. If you are not affiliated with LU, please contact the lab administration for help.

Instructions on how to book can be found on the website on May 1.

Special note: please book the lab facilities ONLY for experimental/project activity.

Lab activities during the Covid-19 pandemic

Some of our facilities are open for experimental use (i.e. pilots or single experiments with no participants)  under strict safety protocols:

@SOL, the Digital Classroom, Studio 1 and 2, and @LUX the Mocap studio. For each facility, there is a maximum number of people. Information on that is found here and in the rooms. In the rooms are also specific instructions for disinfection of equipment in each facility.

Importantly, ALL users, new and old, must contact deputy director Victoria Johansson ( before undertaking any activities. All users must also follow the strict participant protocol to guarantee the safety of experimenters and participants alike.

This information can be changed with short notice.

Project management

An approved project application is a prerequisite for all users who wish to use the rooms and equipment in the Humanities Lab. Even if you are a previous user, you need to make a new application for every project. Instructions for the project application procedure can be found here.

Remember that you, according to the application procedure, must contact relevant staff members before making the project application.

What is a project? The projects in the Lab are of different nature, but the rule is that the Lab manages users and activities through projects. A project can run for several years, or just consist of one single recording in the LARM studio. Thus, Lab projects can be concerned with everything from a long-term experimental data collection to using software for video editing. A project can also consist of lengthy or consecutive consultations with our experts. Also, note that for a student project (on BA or MA level), the principal investigator always has to be one of the responsible supervisor.

If an ongoing project needs to be prolonged, or updated with new members etc., this is done by contacting the lab administration.

If your project is completed,  please write a small paragraph about possible findings and send it to Deputy Director Victoria Johansson.

Questions about project management can be directed to the lab manager.

Personal data management

For project management purposes, we store the following information:

- name of all project members

- email addresses to all project members

- department / affiliation

- name of the project

- project duration

These tasks are linked to a project ID for access to space on the lab server.

The data is available only for the lab administration and is used a) to provide access to the lab facilities for users, and b) for statistical purposes.

The data is stored digitally during the lifetime of the project and for another 12 months after the end date of the project. The data is also archived in physical form and will be deleted according to the archiving regulations of the university. After 12 months the name of the project and the project leader are stored digitally on local servers.

Server maintenace

Every Saturday at 4 AM the server is restarted for security updates.


For equipment-related questions, use the function address indicated on the facilities page.

For administrative questions, contact our administrative staff.

Do you want to unsubscribe from these newsletters? Contact Maja Petersson.

Sidansvarig: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2023-08-21