User projects

Lund University Humanities Lab is a department for research infrastructure open to researchers, teachers, and students at Lund University and beyond. We host technology, methodological know-how, data management and archiving expertise. Lab activities evolve around issues of culture, communication, and cognition – traditional domains of the Humanities – but many projects also involve the Social Sciences, Medicine, the Natural Sciences, Engineering, and e-Science. The Lab enables researchers to combine traditional and novel methods, and to interact with other disciplines. We provide training in hosted technologies and related methods through courses and tutorials, seminar series, and demo sessions. We are also an arena for contact and collaboration between academia and stakeholders in education, industry, health, and cultural institutions, and we act locally, nationally, and internationally.

Some of our users projects are listed in the left menu and in a pdf (see box to the right), and some are presented on Youtube.

For more examples of research and publications, please visit Lund University research portal-

LU Humanities Lab channel on

Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2023-06-29