User Information

Browse and access data

Users can search, browse, and download data hosted on the Archive Server. Anyone can see what is available without registering, but whether data is accessible or not depends on what access level the depositor/researcher has requested. Being registered will not automatically permit blanket access to data - data sets may be open access for anyone, or completely closed (metadata will still be available). In general, access restrictions and conditions are decided by each, respective depositor/researcher. There are four access levels for archived materials:

  • Open: No login or registration is required.
  • Available to registered users: Anyone with an account can download this data.
  • Access needs to be requested: You can apply for access to these materials as a registered user.
  • Closed: These materials are currently not accessible, mostly due to the sensitivity of the material.

All archival objects receive permanent URLs via (this is the same underlying system used by e.g.

Archive data

Archived data is by default only accessible by the depositor and/or users who already have download access to the branch in question. The depositor decides what, if any, access restrictions should be applied, in accordance with ethical and legal concerns specific to the collection.

If you wish to archive with us, please fill out a project application. Any questions regarding the archiving procedure (preparing and documenting your data etc) can be directed to the archive manager.


All archival data must also be documented. Metadata is information describing your data (data about your data). It provides the context that allows users to locate data and is central to the archiving principles. This Information can include a general description, location where the data was collected, languages spoken, participants etc.

All metadata in the LU Humanities Lab Archive is publicly visible by design, as opposed to the actual data files where access restrictions may apply. Each depositor will have to decide whether a piece of information should be included or not in the metadata. For example, including the real name of a participant may or may not be the cause for privacy concerns, since these will also be visible to anyone browsing archive.

The archive provides metadata in the Component MetaData Infrastructure (CMDI) metadata standard (profiles and Our CMDI metadata is also harvested by the meta-archive The Virtual Language Observatory to reach more users. CMDI metadata is a required part of a deposit.

The archive manager can help with workflows and options for how to create the final metadata-files, see the Excel template linked below. A general tip is to create a spreadsheet describing your data. Each row could contain a description corresponding to one or multiple data files, which then form an archival object. Columns represent the kinds of information you want linked to each item, such as date (YYYY-MM-DD), languages, participants, general description, location among others.

Contact and Support

All questions relating to user accounts, the access or archiving of data can be directed to the archive manager.

Metadata template

A template for documenting your data in Excel-format. Contact the archive manager for more information.

Metadata template - cmdi_metadata_template.xlsx

Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2024-05-28