News and events 2021 #4
Welcome to Lund University Humanities Lab
This is the fourth newsletter during 2021, addressed to all new and existing users of the Lab. Scroll down to the bottom and click on web version to read the newletter in your browser.
This newletter contains important information about the return to activities on November 1, 2021. All the information can also be found on our webpage.

We are re-opening the facilities!
As of November 1, 2021, LU Humanities Lab are re-opening the facilities for experimental activities! Please read the information below carefully.
For users who return to experimental activities in the lab's premises from November 1, the following applies:
- All users, regardless of whether they have an ongoing project or not, must discuss their planned activities in the Lab with the Deputy Director before starting up.
- The project leader is responsible for informing all project members and participants about current guidelines.
- Users and participants are encouraged to continue social distancing, and to keep an arm's length distance wherever possible in common areas.
- Users and participants must follow the public health authority's and 1177 guidelines regarding vaccination, testing and stay at home in case of symptoms.
- Users are responsible for ensuring that there is contact information for participants in the event of exposure to infection.
- For experimental activities that require closer contact, face masks, visors, and gloves can be used.
- In common areas and experimental studios face masks, visors, gloves, surface disinfectants and hand sanitizer will be available.
- In some studios there are specific instructions for how the equipment should be cleaned. These must be followed carefully.
- Be prepared for the fact that experiments may need to be canceled at short notice due to illness, and investigate the possibilities of conducting tests online
Handling of equipment after November 1:
- In all rooms with technical equipment specific instructions for cleaning and handling equipment will be available wherever necessary. This information will also be available on the website under User information for each facility.
- Hand sanitizer and surface disinfection will be available in common areas.
- In the Lab's storage room at SOL, in the Mocap studio and the LARM studio at LUX, small quantities of surface disinfection, rubbing alcohol, face masks and gloves will be available.
- Before participants come in, ensure that they do not have symptoms.
- Establish contact information to all your participants in case of an outbreak.
- Provide participants with your own contact information and make sure they contact you should they develop symptoms soon after testing. You are obliged to report possible contagion. Also alert the Lab management.
- Don't forget to disinfect facilities and equipment, and to avoid that participants crowd the premises.
- Be prepared to cancel testing at short notice, should you or any participant show signs of illness.
User guidelines
Before starting up any actvities in the lab again, please refresh your memory about the lab user guidelines and the lab code of conduct. We kindly remind all users to take extra care to not book any facilities for longer time than needed, and to add information about which project and person(s) the booking is for. Please also make sure to keep the rooms clean and tidy and remove dirty dishes and food containers from the lab at once.
Please contact Administrative coordinator Maja Petersson or Deputy director Victoria Johansson.
Welcome back! We are looking forward to seeing you again!