Towards objective and quantifiable tests for ADHD and ASD

Anders Rasmussen, Experimental Medical Science, Lund University
Peik Gustafsson, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Lund University
Joakim Eriksson, Dept. of Design Sciences, Lund University
Katarina Kjell, Department of Psychology, Lund University
Carolina Larsson, Lund University Humanities Lab, Lund University

This project aims to develop new objective and quantitative tools for investigating and potentially also improve diagnostic tools for ADHD and ASD. For this purpose, Virtual Reality technology is used to develop a motor test battery where participating children will enter a virtual environment. Here they will be guided through the tests by an animated avatar. Compared to traditional tests, this has the benefit of being fun for the children, which in turn minimizes the risk that poor performance is due to the children being bored. Another advantage is that all children receive the same instructions, and that quantitative and objective data can be collected.  


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