Do you wish to use the Lab’s equipment and/or rooms, or do you need consultation for repeated occasions or a longer period of time? Then you need to initiate a project.
For this you need to make a project application and book a meeting with the directorship. Follow these steps:
1. Carefully read our policys and guidelines.
LU Humanities Lab, user policys and guidelines.
2. Before you make a project application, contact relevant staff member or use one of the functional addresses found under the relevant equipment on the page "Facilities" for a first consultation. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your needs (equipment you need, availability, time-period etc.) such that we can optimise access for all users. Note that a project can consist of lengthy or consecutive consultations with our experts. Also, note that for a student project, the principal investigator always has to be one of the responsible supervisors/teacher.
3. Make a project application online. The application will be emailed to you as a pdf-document, and this will also be your user agreement.
4. Book a meeting with the deputy director by e-mailing user_agreementshumlab.luse. In the meeting you will go through the user agreement. After the meeting, the signed agreement will be filed and a copy sent to you. This is when your project is formally started.
5. After this you will receive an e-mail with instructions regarding how to get lab access, how you book rooms and equipment in the calendars, our user guidelines and information about data storage.
If you are a registered lab user but only wish to book equipment or rooms for a single occasion, please contact bookingshumlab.luse.