User info

The EEG system in the Humanities Lab is the low-impedance EasyCap system with 64 channels. Software for acquisition and signal processing includes the software from Neuroscan (Curry 7). The software used for stimuli presentation is PsychoPy. Preprocessing EEG data is often done in EEGLAB and/or ERPLAB toolboxes in MATLAB. The Humanities Lab offers support in the form of consultation for customized setups. The lab also offers tutorials using a range of MATLAB or Python scripts for the different steps involved in the processing and extraction of EEG data. Please check this page (hyperlink) for upcoming tutorials and/or courses.

Where to begin?

If you want to carry out a study in the lab using the EEG equipment, the first step is to get in contact with us ( and set up a meeting. In order to use the system and collect data on your own, you need to show that you have sufficient knowledge about the method and know how to handle the system. This will be discussed and evaluated in the meeting. If you lack this knowledge, the lab offers various options: courses (EEG, PsychoPy, etc.), group tutorials, and individual consultation sessions. After this meeting, you should make a formal application.

Read more about how to make a project application.

Contact: eeghumlab.luse

The EGI system is currently not avaliable for experiments.

Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2024-07-03