
Henrik Garde

Systems Developer, Health and Safety Representative

  • Lund University Humanities Lab

Contact information

E-mail henrik.gardehumlab.luse

Phone +46 46 222 09 05

Mobile +46 70 288 16 58

Room SOL:L407d

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

In generell I work with workflows within experimental research, in close collaboration with researchers across faculties: Setup, data collection, data evaluation, data analysis and visualisation. I also develop and assist in developing courses, tutorials, workshops, starter-kits and dokumentation systems.

More exactly I work mostly with 3D data (e.g., motion capture, MoCap), big datasets, language data as well as animated and interactive visualisations.

Tools I mostly use are:

  • Programming: Python, C#, Matlab
  • 3D visualisation: Unity (VR game engine), C#, Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) + SDK,
  • Experimental setup: PsychoPy Builder
  • Corpus (language data): ELAN

With a background in Communication och Humanistic Computer Science (Aalborg University) I worked primary with HMI (Human-Machine Interaction) related system development and training at Risø National Laboratory (DTU), Danish Maritime Institute and since 2010, Lund University Humanities Lab.

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Henrik Garde

Systems Developer, Health and Safety Representative

  • Lund University Humanities Lab

Contact information

E-mail henrik.gardehumlab.luse

Phone +46 46 222 09 05

Mobile +46 70 288 16 58

Room SOL:L407d

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2020-06-16