EuroSLA 29, 2019

EuroSLA 29, 2019

The 29th conference of the European Second Language Association

Lund, Aug. 28-31, 2019


This page contains information about the conference EuroSLA29, which took place in 2019, in Lund, Sweden. Here you can find information regarding registration and fees (left meny) and schedule and Book of Abstract. The original webpage has been closed down. If you can not find the information you need here, please send an inquiry to: maja.peterssonhumlab.luse.


Plenary speakers

Lourdes Ortega

Krister Schönström

Minna Lehtonen

Rob Schoonen

Local committee

Marianne Gullberg

Jonas Granfeldt

Marie Källkvist

Henrik Gyllstad

Lari-Valtteri Suhonen

Malin Ågren

Frida Splendido

Chiara Gargiulo

Maja Petersson

EuroSLA, European Second Language Association

Book of Abstracts


Page Manager: Maja.Peterssonhumlab.luse | 2022-04-20