
- Lund University Humanities Lab
- Phonetics
- Centre for Languages and Literature
Contact information
E-mail johan.fridhumlab.luse
Phone +46 46 222 84 46
Room SOL:H421
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20
Researcher, Lund University Humanities Lab.
- PhD in phonetics, work with speech and language technology
- Sysadmin of the Humanities Lab’s archive server
- Local coordinator and expert in the Swe-Clarin infrastructure
- Developer of ScriptLog, a tool for studying the writing process
- I assist researchers with implementing and running tools for analysing data
- I (co-)manage the anechoic chamber and the articulograph
In the Research Portal you can search and find information about all active researchers, units, publications, projects, infrastructures, and more, to get an overview of Lund University research.
My profile in Lund University research portal
- Lund University Humanities Lab
- Phonetics
- Centre for Languages and Literature
Contact information
E-mail johan.fridhumlab.luse
Phone +46 46 222 84 46
Room SOL:H421
Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 20